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Chinese Diet Therapy


Chinese Diet Therapy consultations at Zen5 introduce a whole new and exciting way of looking at food (and eating, of course!).

Ever heard the saying, “eat your way to good health”? What goes into the body impacts on what we get out of it! Think of the body as a friend – the more we put into the friendship, the stronger the bond. So too our diets – by nurturing the mind-body connection through positive eating, we help our bodies to stay around for longer!

The key is learning what foods help to maintain that healthy mind-body friendship. Our Chinese Diet Therapy experts advise what foods, and in what portions, to focus on. Embrace a new way of thinking about food, and in turn, the body will give back.


In Chinese Medicine, just as there are special properties and associations with parts of the body, Acupuncture points and Chinese Herbs, there are also associations with the food we eat.

Legendary Chinese physician Sun Si Miao said, “Treat the Diet first”. A person’s diet and lifestyle can greatly affect the efficiency and speed of a treatment plan devised by a Chinese Medicine practitioner. This is why it’s important for practitioners to make sure they provide great dietary advice that is sustainable and adaptable to the Western palate. Our practitioners here at Zen 5 are experienced with Diet Therapy and offer sound advice to clients about devising a strategy that fits in with their individual needs.

Some Five Element Foods

Following are some examples of foods which have an effect on each of the Five Elements:

(It’s best to have a Chinese Diet Therapy consultation before eating too much of these)


  • Lemons
  • Limes
  • Sprouts


  • Chilli
  • Coffee
  • Red Dates


  • Rice
  • Potatoes
  • Pearl Barley


  • Apricots
  • Green Olives
  • Mint


  • Kidney Beans
  • Black Miso
  • Black sesame seeds

Chinese Dietary Therapy consultations are now available at Zen5!  Highpoint and Camberwell clinics only.

The program includes:

  • Full, 1 hour initial diet and health assessment with a qualified Chinese Medicine practitioner
  • Personalised Chinese Medical diagnosis
  • Suggestions for lifestyle changes which may assist wellbeing

6 – 8 page Chinese Diet Therapy report containing:

  • An explanation of personalised Chinese Medicine diagnosis
  • List of specific foods to avoid
  • List of foods to eat more of
  • Recipes
  • Lifestyle considerations

It is advisable to book a follow-up consultation two weeks after the initial one. That way, adjustments can be made and questions asked of the practitioner.

We are now taking Diet Therapy bookings at Zen5 Highpoint, and Zen5 Camberwell.


    Zen 5